
This is your economy – Get!

This economy is made for anyone who is passionate about what they are doing, the business they promote or the services they offer. This is the economy of trust & value – economics that have consumers with desperately looking for and looking for services they believe, products that have value, and people they can connect.

In fact, this economy is all about connections – emotional connections. The better you can understand and connect with your customers, the more success you will – period!

Are you ready, are you ready? Have you made changes to your sales and marketing strategy that you need to make? According to Gary Vaynerchuck (the author ‘destroys him’ and ‘Economics Thank you’) Our grandparents are actually better prepared to succeed in this economy than us. Wow! Why? Because they do business in time when it’s all about building relationships and making connections. They understand their customers and they understand their market. They write books on how to get involved, build trust and add value. Now it’s time for us to get it out and start reading.

Somewhere in the past decade, the importance of sneaking soft skills goes, replaced with assertive techniques, forced sales, and persistent follow-up. Well, fortunately for our customers and ourselves, art conversations, relationships, and connections. They returned and they worked.

If you want to succeed in this new economy, if you want to make this your economy, then you need to see both your sales techniques, your marketing approach and your customer experience. You need to make sure it is rooted in emotional connections, involvement, trust and value.

You need to make sure it includes strategy 3 that must be owned for 2012:

1. Pull, Don’t Push – Ask yourself: Do you encourage your customers to buy or do you draw them to learn more about your product or service? Your business growth strategy needs to be built around your ability to attract your customers than encouraging them to make decisions. In a shift economy, with severe competition, you need to understand consumers in control. You can do many things to influence their decisions, but because they are flooded with choices, the decision to buy their stay. You push, you lose; You draw, you get a lifelong customer.

2. Mix, do not separate – in the current economy 14% of consumers trust traditional advertisements; 78% of Peer Trust recommendations. Even though you can design, develop and form your brand, you cannot specify customer experience. If you want to succeed in the current economy then you need to blend, not separate your traditional and social ads. You need to make people aware of who you are and what you do through traditional channels, but you need to be involved, connect and build trust through social networks and forums. You need to invite people to experience, share, and comment on your company and give them the ability to define and attract others into the value of your brand.

3. Niche, do not develop – while we all realize that the economy has changed, do we really realize how much it changes? Consumers are different now – they want to make sure what they buy, believe in the people they buy, and they want to verify and validate their choices. They are looking for experts. While our intestinal reaction is to offer anything to anyone who wants to buy, the truth is the more we narrow our focus, the more markets we will develop. To succeed, we need to define our niche, decide what we want to know and with whom we really want to serve. The better we focus our niche, the better we can define our brand; The more we involve our market target, the more we create trust and value for our customers.

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